Enscand, Inc.

Recent Training

Below is a list of training activities (seminars, online "webinars", conferences, etc.) that Nathan Scandella has taken part in. Training is a vital element in maintaining a current skillset, and being aware of new options for solving customers' problems. Mere involvement in high-tech projects is not enough in the current software climate, so the Enscand business plan is committed to reserving at least two weeks (cumulative) per year dedicated solely to training activities.

NOTE: these activities only reflect involvement since October 2004, when formal logging of these activities commenced. An informal training program, both within a corporate environment, and on personal time, has always been a part of Mr. Scandella's professional development.

Also, see Stack Overflow for information about Nathan. Answering questions on Stack Overflow is used as an alternate kind of training activity.

profile for Nate at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

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